Optometry is at the heart of our platform since its inception
Hundreds of optometrists have been using our Referral Management System for their day-to-day collaborations. Below are some of the functions that you benefit from immediately.
Search our advanced repertories and match your patient with the most appropriate doctor. Sort ophthalmologists, their offices, and hospitals based on distance and field of expertise. Search for centers with specific surgical capacities, techniques, instruments and even wait time.
Search a repertory of over 14,000 family doctors in Quebec only, and report to them on conditions you manage such as diabetes, headaches and other. Search over 2000 pharmacies sorted by town and banner and send them a clear and professional prescription.
Our specialty-based referral and reporting forms are intuitive and can be completed in seconds. Never miss an important information in your communications anymore. Attach your imagery files and share them with your ophthalmologist to improve their triage capacity and the treatment outcome. Using our online fax, send your referral, report, or prescription to any clinic, hospital, or pharmacy. A pdf fax confirmation will be archived online with the referral.
Retinahub is a cloud-based service. Access your account from anywhere and stay on top of your collaborations. While most optometrists are currently using Retinahub as a standalone online solution, many can benefit from a seamless integration with their local EMR.
Your Professional Profile already exists on Retinahub. Claim your Basic Account and keep your Professional Profile up to date. This will allow ophthalmology clinics, hospitals, refractive surgery centers and numerous others to invite you to collaborate with their clinic.
Benefit from a 90-day trial period free of charge. If you are satisfied and wish to keep using our Referral Management System, subscribe for a Pro Account for 240$ a year.